Extremes in either of these kinds of attention-being too fo cused outwardly or too open to what's going on around us-can, as Richard Davidson puts it, "make it impossible to be self-aware."
Executive function includes attention to attention itself, or more
generally, awareness of our mental states; this lets us monitor our focus and keep it on track.
Executive function (as cognitive control is sometimes called) can be taught (as we've just seen, and will explore in more detail in part 5). Teaching executive skills to preschoolers makes them more ready for their school years than does a high IQor having already learned to read.14 As the Sesame Street team knows, teachers want students with good executive function, as signified by self discipline, attention control, and the ability to resist temptations. Such executive functions predict good math and reading scores throughout school, apart from-and more than-a child's IQ15
Of course it's not just for kids. This power to direct our focus onto one thing and ignore others lies at the core of willpower.
Extremes in either of these kinds of attention-being too fo cused outwardly or too open to what's going on around us-can, as Richard Davidson puts it, "make it impossible to be self-aware."
Executive function includes attention to attention itself, or more
generally, awareness of our mental states; this lets us monitor our focus and keep it on track.
Executive function (as cognitive control is sometimes called) can be taught (as we've just seen, and will explore in more detail in part 5). Teaching executive skills to preschoolers makes them more ready for their school years than does a high IQor having already learned to read.14 As the Sesame Street team knows, teachers want students with good executive function, as signified by self discipline, attention control, and the ability to resist temptations. Such executive functions predict good math and reading scores throughout school, apart from-and more than-a child's IQ15
Of course it's not just for kids. This power to direct our focus onto one thing and ignore others lies at the core of willpower.
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