I have worked tirelessly over the past few days trying to work with GOAT leadership in the NW/NE quads. There is really nothing positive I can say about these interactions. None of them talk to each other and most of them are disorganized in their own rights.
Because of that, I have decided to realign with a more positive group of players that I have found to be significantly more organized.
In the NE that is the group of allies called "Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Enigma". If you are in the NE, please reach out and contact their recruiters and get signed up for an invite. Please let me know if I can help you through this process.
In the NW, there is a group of allies, also NAPd with the NE alliances I mentioned above, called "Cin City, SNS-Cin, Cinz and Cin1." This is where I will end up ultimately and I recommend all our NW players go as well. Please contact me directly if you are interested in moving and I will help you through the recruiting process.
Of course, you can also stay with GOAT, but my feeling is that they are very poorly organized group of players with leadership that isn't really interested in pulling the larger group together. It's not for me, and I don't think it's in any of your best interests to stay.