3.5. Histopathology
The lesion of liver caused by AFB1 observed by microscopy was consistent with the obtained data from serum biochemical analysis. Fig. 1A and B were the representative liver slices of rats in the groups 1 and 2, respectively, which presented liver with normal architecture around the central veins, namely normal hepatic cells radiated out in all directions and clear blood sinusoid. However, the liver slices of rats in the group 5, fed on ACPs, showed severe vacuolar degeneration, a large amount of necrosis, and disappearance of normal architecture, fatty changes and mild fibrosis (Fig. 1E). No histopathological changes were observed in the livers of rats in the groups 3 and 4 fed on ACPs treated by ozone, which exhibited an almost normal architecture, except for very slight fatty changes (Fig. 1C and D).