Protein 3-D structures and recent sequence analyses
within the class II LMPs indicate phylogenetic and functional clustering of the enzymes [26, 74–76]. The overall
3-D protein structures of fungal LIP and MNP, both
from P. chrysosporium, and the CIP/ARP from C. cinerea
came available during early 1990’s.
The crystal structures show an overall compact and
mostly helical fold for fungal class II peroxidases with
heme tightly embedded between two domains, both of
which contain one Ca2+ ion [77–81]. Two conserved His
and the distal side Arg residues are conserved for peroxidative
catalytic function [54, 55]. The class II peroxidases
are glycosylated and 37–50 kDa in size, with
acidic pI and ca 320–360 aa in length as mature proteins,
and the structures are strengthend by 4–5 conserved
cysteine bridges (Fig. 1A) [77–79, 81].
In regard to the functional features (Table 1), we
performed a more expanding phylogenetic analysis
with the complete ORF sequences of the basidiomycetous
class II peroxidases that were available at public
domains (EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ). The maximum parsimony
(MP) method resulted with an evolutionary tree
showing three main peroxidase clusters named as
group A, B and C (Fig. 2). In the analysis, one representative
of class I (Aspergillus nidulans mitochondrial CCP)
and class III (HRP, Armoracia rusticana perox C1A) peroxidases
was included as evolutionary outgroups.
Protein 3-D structures and recent sequence analyseswithin the class II LMPs indicate phylogenetic and functional clustering of the enzymes [26, 74–76]. The overall3-D protein structures of fungal LIP and MNP, bothfrom P. chrysosporium, and the CIP/ARP from C. cinereacame available during early 1990’s.The crystal structures show an overall compact andmostly helical fold for fungal class II peroxidases withheme tightly embedded between two domains, both ofwhich contain one Ca2+ ion [77–81]. Two conserved Hisand the distal side Arg residues are conserved for peroxidativecatalytic function [54, 55]. The class II peroxidasesare glycosylated and 37–50 kDa in size, withacidic pI and ca 320–360 aa in length as mature proteins,and the structures are strengthend by 4–5 conservedcysteine bridges (Fig. 1A) [77–79, 81].In regard to the functional features (Table 1), weperformed a more expanding phylogenetic analysiswith the complete ORF sequences of the basidiomycetousclass II peroxidases that were available at publicdomains (EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ). The maximum parsimony(MP) method resulted with an evolutionary treeshowing three main peroxidase clusters named asgroup A, B and C (Fig. 2). In the analysis, one representativeof class I (Aspergillus nidulans mitochondrial CCP)and class III (HRP, Armoracia rusticana perox C1A) peroxidaseswas included as evolutionary outgroups.
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