“This is definitely wrong!”
“Aah, what are we doing! Amen!”
Even though they are in confusion, Kiba, Xenovia and Gasper are following my lead!
“A..Ara? The Sekiryuutei gentleman is coming this way….”
Gabriel-san tilts her head while gazing this way with her innocent eyes! Aaaah, I want to see the oppai of that beauty! I then got ready to use Dress Break once again and—
--! I received an unexpected punch to my face……. Our horse became unbalanced with that impact, and I also fell on the ground…….
“……..Any shameless behaviour further than this is forbidden. Hentai Dragon-senpai.”
Koneko-chan steps on my head while making noises with both her hands.
……K..Koneko-chan’s punch really does work……
In this way, the cavalry battle also ended like a war.
○ Decisive Battle! Baton Relay!
The joint sports activity has finally entered the last activity. It’s going to be the baton relay.
[For each team, the chosen participants are waiting at designated points! Now, the sports day which has been going on for a long time has finally reached the climax!]
The announcer stirs the field with his announcement. The points each team has is quite close, and it became a situation where this last baton relay will determine the winners.
I became the anchor for this relay. I’m already on standby in my Balance Breaker state.
“Fufufu, so you are my opponent, huh, Ise?”
“P..Please take it easy on me….”
The anchor for the Fallen Angels is Sensei. …….I only have a bad feeling about this!
“Let’s do our best~”
The anchor for the Angels is Gabriel-san.
I’m in grief that I couldn’t use Dress Break on her at the cavalry battle earlier.
Rather, I was scolded strongly by Buchou and Koneko-chan after the cavalry battle…..
[Now, the final match is about to begin!]
The pistol for the relay was shot and along with rhythmical BGM, the participants of each team ran. The first runner for the Devils team is Kiba! With his god speed, he should be able to pull it off! That’s what I thought, but the participant from the Fallen Angels shot lights towards Kiba! Kiba evades it swiftly, but what a cowardly act!
“Is that even allowed!?”
I protested to Sensei, but…
“Can’t see anything~”
He ignored me! What a horrible Sensei! He’s such a lousy Governor!
Even so, the relay was going on and the participants were running around the field! Finally the participant before me……Sirzechs-sama ran! So faaaaaast! The Maou is also serious!
“Uooooooo! I won’t lose! I won’t lose in front of my daughter Akeno!”
“It won’t be allowed for I, Uriel, the “Flame of God” to lose against a Maou!”
Barakiel-san is covered with holy lightning and Uriel-san is covered with an enormous amount of holy flames! Their intense speed wasn’t behind Sirzechs-sama! There is an ultimate battle between the last bosses in a place like this!
And Sirzechs-sama finally reaches me!
“I leave the rest to you, Ise-kun!”
I took the baton, and flew ahead while igniting the boosters on my back!
I head towards the finishing line with insane speed! But--!
“Toryaaaaah! Here is the weapon which I have been preparing for in a situation like this!”
Sensei catches up with me from the behind! In his hand, he was holding onto a sword which looks like a mixture of light and darkness!
“This is the [Blazer Shining Aura Darkness Blade] that all of you were picking on me about!”
Sensei started wielding the sword while blowing away the scenery of the field with it! Seeing that, the leaders of each faction were in shock!
“What!? So the [Blazer Shining Aura Darkness Blade] was completed!?”
“Mu! So that’s the [Blazer Shining Aura Darkness Blade]!”
Sensei starts attacking me with the [Blazer Shining Aura Darkness Blade]! I somehow dodged it! The strike which missed me carves deeply into the ground! What power!