Art. 487. - Outrage on the Repose and Dignity of the Dead.
(1) Whosoever:
(a) disturbs or profancs a funeral procession or funeral service; or
(b) violates or profanes the resting place of a dead person, degrades
or defiles a funeral monument, or profanes or mutilates a dead
person, whether buried or not; or
(c) publicly defiles or strikes a human corpse,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine
(2) Whosoever carries off, makes away with or scatters a corpse or any
part thereof, or the ashes of a dead person, is liable to the same
Art. 795. - Concealment of a Corpse.
(a) has hidden, huried, drowned, cremated or caused to disappear in any
other manner a still-horn child or a child alleged to have heen still.
horn, ora human corpse, without notifying the fact to the competent
authority, or has failed to notify to the said authority of the discovery
of a corpse; or
(h) having wounded or killed another in self defence or in a state
of necessity, failed to notify the fact forthwith to the competent
is punishable with fine or arrest.