Table 1
Proximate analysis of whole, refined wheat flour and flaxseed flour.a
(g/100 g)
Refined wheat flour Whole wheat flour Flaxseed
Moisture 9.27 0.11 10.27 0.33 6.00 0.40
Ash 0.67 0.29 0.67 0.28 3.00 0.50
Fat 2.33 0.28 2.36 0.18 40.50 0.50
Protein 10.37 0.32 11.27 0.24 22.58 0.23
Dry gluten 9.26 0.25 10.20 0.20 N/A
Damaged starch 9.53 0.51 13.50 0.30 N/A
Carbohydrate 77.36 0.42 75.42 0.26 27.91 0.55