Chemical disinfection of the load Microbiological type test method for evaluation of performance
The test shall be carried out in accordance with Annex E.
The test method shall use a surrogate device to simulate the load items and inoculated carriers shall be
incorporated as part of the surrogate device to monitor the efficacy of the disinfection stage. A range of
microorganisms shall be used.
NOTE 1 A range of organisms is suggested but others may be used at the discretion of the microbiologist, or at the
request of the user.
NOTE 2 For further information on microbial testing of chemical disinfection processes, see Annex F. Microbiological test methods for evaluation of performance on the installed WD Operational tests
Operational tests shall establish that the levels of all controlling variables that affect the disinfection of the load
are within the limits established during type testing. Performance qualification and routine test
When required by national regulation, a surrogate device shall be used to simulate the load items and
inoculated carriers shall be incorporated as part of the surrogate device to monitor the efficacy of the
disinfection process.
NOTE Microorganisms incorporated into test soils may be used instead of, or as well as, the use of inoculated
carriers (see ISO/DTS 15883-5:2004).
For performance qualification and routine tests the process shall be verified by sampling endoscopes after
clinical use, before and after processing. The initial microbial contamination on the endoscopes shall be
estimated by analysis of samples taken immediately prior to the commencement of the disinfection stage. The
post-disinfection microbial contamination shall be estimated by analysis of samples taken immediately after
the post-disinfection rinsing stage. Sufficient samples for each test shall be used to provide a statistically valid
estimate of the reduction in microbial contamination.