God i hate love triangles…. somebody always ends up heartbroken… the perXwinXmark thing is gonna end with someone getting hurt. atleast earn has pete as an option!!! Also the scene in the end was super awkward with Aim running into her ex with someone else minutes after they just broke up XP Someone mentioned this in another post but it finally hit home that Phun is also partly to blame for Aim cheating on him since he was spending practically every second with Noh, the only reason Aim comes off as a bad person in comparison to Phun is because the amount of guys she cheats on him with but atleast 25% of the blame is on Phun…
The writers did Aim a kindness in the series. In the novel she is a total selfish you know what. You don’t blame Phun at all for leaving her even if Noh was not around. As for Jeed I hate to see her turn from a nice girl and become more like Grace. But it does add to the drama doesn’t it. She should have stayed with Khom. Not only is he handsome but he really did like her and was a total gentleman.
Ahh, never read the novel, when a book gets turned into a movie i usually pick one or the other, cuz I get frustrated when one diverges from the other. some other comments did mention that the series Aim comes off as much nicer person than the novel Aim, I’m glad she does, we dont need another Jeed/Grace, I don’t think i can handle it!!! as for Jeed she is definitely paying the price for her choice in friends and boy friends, I just hope Khom doesnt take her back cuz he can definitely do better, Maybe yuri!!! yes Yuri should end up with Khom and Pete with earn!!! yay!!!