The revision of the Precursors – Ordinance on Charges (GÜGKostV) of 30th June 2009 (BGBl. I p. 1678) entered into force on 4th July 2009 [7]. It serves to cover the costs incurred by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) through carrying out official acts in the field of precursor control. The licences for the manufacture and purchase of and trade with precursors are issued by the Bonn-based BfArM. The latter also monitors the resale and supply of precursors to third parties. Responsibility for the control of the entire domestic and foreign trade with chemical precursors in lies with the BfArM, the Federal customs authorities as well as the Joint Customs/Police Precursor Monitoring Unit (GÜS) at the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA).