Bean sprouts are recognized as a valuable source of
vitamin C. They are widely used in the Orient, but are
little used as human food in this country, although many
people prepare oat sprouts for animals. Lately canned Mung
bean sprouts have been found in the market, but they are
not comparable to the fresh Mung bean sprouts in appearance,
crispness, texture, or palatability. Fresh Mung bean
sprouts are produced and served in Chinese restaurants in
the United States. Seemingly, people in this country asso.
elate bean sprouts with chop-suey or chow-mein and have. not
thought of using them in common dishes, such as in raw
salad or as a cooked vegetable. In China and India, bean
sprouts are usually cooked, but in the Dutch East Indies
and Malay States raw sprouts are used as salad. In the
Orient bean sprouts are considered one of the cheapest and
commonest of the fresh vegetables. In .view of their wide
use in the Orient and their low cost, a further study of
bean sprouts as a source of vitamin C for the American diet
seemed desirable.