Until the19th century ,travel everywhere was uncomfortable ,dangerous and enormously time-consuming. Freight movement posed even greater challenges. The barriers of distance were overcome where feasible by use of inland waterways, including canals,but mechanized rail transport made the real difference in accelerating the scope and volume of
transport.The linking of two earlier inventions-wheels on smooth iron rails and the steam engine-allowed widespread motorized transport across land,and the beginning of a new era in the mobility of people and goods. Also important was the linking of the steam engine to the paddle wheel and propeller to provide motorized transport over water. Rail transport began to give way to road transport in the first part of the20th century, although the main expansion in the use of road vehicles has occurred since 1945. Air transport arrived soon after motoried road transport ,allowing high speed travel over great distances and ready access to remote places. Motorized transport has facilitated and even stimulated just abut everything now regarded as progress. It has helped expand intellectual horizons and deter starvation. Comfort in travel is now commonplace , at a level hardly dreamed of in former years even by royalty , as is ready access to the products of distant places. Motorized transport has also facilitated some of the low points of recent human history. The growth of personal road transport-cheifly cars(automobiles) –has been closely associated with two of the major phenomena of the20th century:growth in material well-being and expansion of democratic institutions.Ownership of a car-usually the most expansive of consumer purchases-has assumed in rich countries the stasus of a democratic right. As a token of passage into adulthood, qualifying to drive a car can be more important than qualifying to vote. In central and Eastern European countries ,relaxtion of prohibitions on car ownership often preceded enfranchisement, and may have contributed to it.