Social network sites have entered in our lives since beginning of 21
century with blogs. After few years, they have captured our daily lives. In addition to this, they have affected all
sides of our lives. Teenagers and young adults’ academic life is one of them. As seen, there are
various different effect
s of usage of social network sites on teenagers and young adults’
academic lives. However, positive aspects of usage of social network sites cannot be supported by scientific findings. They are just positive thoughts about the topic. According to scientific
findings, social network usage damages students’ academic lives. We can list these effects as
creating addiction, killing time, living in a virtual life (escaping from reality) and disrupting
students’ concentrations. As a result, we can say that, the us
age of social network sites can be
beneficial for some areas but, most of the time it affects teenagers and young adults’ academic
lives negatively