Melasma is derived from Greek word melas (black) while chloasma is derived from the word chloazein (green), and since the pigmentation is brown-black, melisma is the preferred term1.
Melasma is commoner in constitutionally darker skin types being most common in people with light browncolour skins, specifically in people of East and South East Asian and Hispanic origin who live in areas with intense solarultraviolet radiation (UVR).2
Facial melanoses (FM), a common presentation of Indian patients, are complex diagnostic (and even greater therapeutic) problems consisting of few somewhat well defined clinical entities.1 Pigmentary disorders appear on the face, even if they are benign, regularly cause cosmetic and psychological problems to many people, specially women and can result in the appearance of augmented facial aging. These are supposed by some to be apredictable outward sign of the aging progression.
Introduction Melasma is derived from Greek word melas (black) while chloasma is derived from the word chloazein (green), and since the pigmentation is brown-black, melisma is the preferred term1. Melasma is commoner in constitutionally darker skin types being most common in people with light browncolour skins, specifically in people of East and South East Asian and Hispanic origin who live in areas with intense solarultraviolet radiation (UVR).2 Facial melanoses (FM), a common presentation of Indian patients, are complex diagnostic (and even greater therapeutic) problems consisting of few somewhat well defined clinical entities.1 Pigmentary disorders appear on the face, even if they are benign, regularly cause cosmetic and psychological problems to many people, specially women and can result in the appearance of augmented facial aging. These are supposed by some to be apredictable outward sign of the aging progression.
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