Safe Splashing
When it comes to sporting activities, swimming in a pool can be great
exercise but also very dangerous. This simple guide shows and
explains the rules you need to follow in and around the water.
Do not play or run around the pool. The surface is wet and you might
slip and fall.
You shouldn't eat before swimming. It can lead to stomach cramps or you might drown.
Make sure you know where lifeguards a and call them if you get
into trouble, They are there to ve lives so always do what they say
Always pay attention to the NO DIVING signs around the pool. ONLY dive in designated areas.
Dive-bombing can be a lot of fun, but it can also put other swimmers in danger. NEVER in like this!
All pools have rules displayed on signs around the pool Always read
them before you start swimming. They are there to keep you safe.
Enjoy your swim!