A reduction is necessary for slow-moving inventories or inventories with a very low turnover rate. Provisions made for
slow moving items and inventory-depreciations themselves should be posted on corresponding inventory account. As
the asset account Inventory is reduced by a credit, the debit in the entry to write down inventory is reported in Cost of
Sales (income statement account). Since the amount of the write-down of inventory reduces net income, it will also
reduce equity. In case you use locally a valuation account instead of writing the value of the specific item down, you
need to ensure that COGS and inventory is reported the proper way to MIHQ. In general inventory is valuated only
annually at yearend.
3 Steps to write down your inventory:
Step 1
Calculate the value of inventory on-hand. Count every unit of inventory your business owns. If your company uses the
average cost system, multiply each item held by the lower of the average cost or current market value. Under the first in,
first out -- FIFO -- valuation system, multiply each item by the lower of its original cost price or market value; using the
last in, first out -- LIFO -- method, multiply each item by the most recent cost price or market value, if this is lower. Note
the value of inventory that you cannot sell due to spoilage or obsolescence, but do not include it in your total inventory
Step 2
Compare the value of inventory calculated against the value of the asset in your ledgers and calculate the difference. For
example, if you have calculated the inventory value to be $46’500 but your ledgers under the perpetual system show an
inventory asset value of $50’000, record a loss of $3’500.
Step 3
Post a credit to the inventory account for the amount of the loss. Under the periodic system, post the balancing debit to
the purchases account. If you use the perpetual system, post the debit to the cost of goods sold account. In the example,
credit the inventory account with $3’500 and post a debit of $3’500 to the cost of goods sold account.
Chart to visualize the yearend Valuation of Inventory Consumables and accessories
These kinds of goods include IC-columns, electrodes and accessories for all methods. They are written off after +1 year (=
0% yearend value afterwards).