Near the actual convention dates, the front office provides a weekly report to the sales department. The report, covering the next six weeks, shows all room blocks reserved and the actual count of reservations received against the block. Each week, a form letter is sent to the association executive the day the report comes out, reiterating the number of rooms blocked and providing an update on the number of reservations received. For example, the letter might say: “We are holding a block of 350 rooms, for arrival on Sunday, May 20, 20XX, and as of today, April 15, 127 reservations have been received against this block.”
The progress of guaranteed reservations received against the number blocked out is called the room pickup, Should the room pickup be below standard for the reserved block, the sales staff should make immediate contact to determine if all rooms in the block are needed.
All group blockings, including conventions, are subject to a two-week cutoff date. The hotel has no obligation and issues no guarantee on reservations received after the cutoff date. In addition to being noted at the time of booking, the cutoff date information must be made specific on all convention confirmations and must be clearly printed on all reservation cards.