In 2009, the Ministry of Public Health has reported that 77% of the number of road crash injuries is motorcyclists, followed by non-motorized user such as pedestrian and cyclists which shows 11% of the number of road crash injuries. The statistical data has clearly shown that the vulnerable road users, mainly pedestrians and two-wheel riders, are the most seriously affected groups among the traffic crash victims. Considering the age group of pedestrian and cyclists, it was observed that pedestrian with age group of 1-9 years old and cyclists with age group of 1-14 years old have higher risk to the crashes. Additionally, the crash data also indicates the time periods when young pedestrians always have accident. Accident data also shows that most young pedestrian crashes occur during 16.00-18.00 which is the time period after school finishes. One of the problems could be the lack of road safety around school areas including the provision of safe crossing in the school zones.
Approaches to reduce young pedestrian-motor vehicle collisions in school areas include engineering changes and methods to alert drivers and pedestrian to one another’s presence. In this project, the safe pedestrian crossing will be implemented in the school zones. The appropriate crossing facilities will be selected including the key design issues such as the zebra crossing, pedestrian islands, curb crossing, raised platform, and etc.