1. waste problems that may occur as a big city
when the world population increases. Domestic resources for human life will increase. Consequences of resource utilization factor is. Scrap Used called trash the increased volume that can not be stored out of the community and to break up. As in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and other major cities of pollution from waste generated as a pile of dirt Margaret Ahmadinejad visually. The noise emitted Unobtrusive and irritability They are the source of infection and prevention of spread diseases continue. And or cause a fire The plights of solid waste an enormous amount now. As a survey of Siam People shortwave radio on the mid-2539 about the problem. Pollution in Thailand has found that people feel the need to resolve urgent problems facing the environment. Increasing waste problems. Ahmadinejad dirty and Oujda in the public and piles of garbage that can not be stored to break up the staff in various cities.