3.2. Surface hydrophilization with ozonation and separation of PVDC
The contact angle of the artificial PVDC film was measured and
shown in Fig. 3. After passing of ozone gas up to 10 min sufficient
mixing time the contact angle of PVDC film was decreased to 16
from 78 to 62, respectively. The contact angles of virgin rigid and flexible PVC pellets after 120 min of ozonation with sufficient
mixing was also studied and shown in Fig. 4. It was observed while
passing the ozone gas up to 10 min the contact angles of flexible
and rigid PVC pellets was decreased to 5 from 25 to 20, respectively.
During the period of study the surface hydrophilicity was increased
on both the pellets and the films. The difference in
hydrophilicity of pellets and films is due to the addition of caused
plasticizer. The increase in surface hydrophilicity is due to the
change of chloride groups on the surfaces of PVC and PVDC into