Just as in affective commitment, the two most influential variables on normative commitment
of the academicians working for state universities are the quality of work-life and perceived
organizational protectiveness. When it comes to foundation universities, the most influential
variables on normative commitment of the academicians are, respectively, the quality of work
life, monthly salary, and perceived organizational protectiveness. The only variable having a
significant impact on continuance development, even if it is negative, in state universities is
the quality of work life. Thus, continuance commitment decreases as the quality of work-life
increases. When we think that the shortage of alternatives as put forward by Meyer and Allen
as one of the conditions for occurrence of continuance commitment, it will not be wrong to
say that as the academic titles of those academicians working for state universities in Turkey
improve, job alternatives will increase accordingly. This negative relationship between the
quality of work-life and continuance commitment, even though it is considered negative,
employees tend to stay in the organization due to shortage of job alternatives and possible
financial and other losses they are going to encounter when they resign; thus, that continuance
commitment decreases as the quality of work-life increases is a positive outcome for the
organizations in terms of increasing affective and normative commitment.
Just as in affective commitment, the two most influential variables on normative commitmentof the academicians working for state universities are the quality of work-life and perceivedorganizational protectiveness. When it comes to foundation universities, the most influentialvariables on normative commitment of the academicians are, respectively, the quality of worklife, monthly salary, and perceived organizational protectiveness. The only variable having asignificant impact on continuance development, even if it is negative, in state universities isthe quality of work life. Thus, continuance commitment decreases as the quality of work-lifeincreases. When we think that the shortage of alternatives as put forward by Meyer and Allenas one of the conditions for occurrence of continuance commitment, it will not be wrong tosay that as the academic titles of those academicians working for state universities in Turkeyimprove, job alternatives will increase accordingly. This negative relationship between thequality of work-life and continuance commitment, even though it is considered negative,employees tend to stay in the organization due to shortage of job alternatives and possiblefinancial and other losses they are going to encounter when they resign; thus, that continuancecommitment decreases as the quality of work-life increases is a positive outcome for theorganizations in terms of increasing affective and normative commitment.
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