directly impact on
Current economic situations have rapidly changed through globalization.
Human development is behind such changes: therefore, economic downturn occurs.
all around the world. There are variety of causes particularly the people 's personal.
egoism, Corruption, and lack of virtue ethics in various professions especially in.
professional accounting. These causes directly impact on management in both state.
and private sectors and lead to economic collapse. To promote the ethics for
managerial accounting, develop the concept in the aspects of the ethics for managerial.
accounting, and guide to plan to improve accountants' operation in order to have the.
efficient and effective performance that leads to accountants' success to achieve goals.
maximally in the future; accordingly, a researcher had studied the relationship between.
the ethics of managerial accounting and accountants' work efficiency in the Businesses.
of manufacturing auto parts in Thailand. Data was collected from 253 accountants in.
the Businesses of manufacturing auto parts in Thailand. The statistics used for data
analysis were t-test, f-test (ANOVA and MANOVA), multiple correlation analysis, simple.
regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis.