The participants felt that the general purpose of psychoeducation was already clear because it was conveyed from the start and according to them the purpose had been fulfilled. The personal purpose of the participants to understand HIV and AIDS more deeply had also been fulfilled. However, they felt that more concrete actions need to be taken, such as VCT or psychoeducation for villages. According to the participants, the psychoeducation process was systematic and efficient enough. However, the participants suggested that the psychoeducation should be done outside office hours.
The methods used in the training, such as booklets, audio-visual, power point presentation, sharing, discussion, illustration, and role-play, could help the participants to understand the materials. Midwife Sm suggested to add more game methods to revive participants’ spirit. Regarding the environment, the participants felt uncomfortable with the room's temperature, which was very hot despite the presence of two fans in the room. The light, which came from the window, and the circular positioning of the chairs had been deemed comfortable by the participants.
Participants thought that the facilitator had a very good understanding of HIV and AIDS, could convey it clearly to the midwives, and could keep a conducive class atmosphere. For the participants, all of the materials were useful.