Thrain: Gandalf?
Gandalf smiles with relief.
Thrain: A lifetime. I’ve been here a lifetime.
Gandalf: I’m so sorry I gave you up for dead.
Thrain: I had a son. (quick flashback to the Battle of Moria) Thorin!
Gandalf: And you will see him again. Come, we must leave.
Thrain: The Orcs had Moria. War…we were at war. I was surrounded. The Defiler. Azog the Defiler had come. (flashback to battle) We see Azog approach Thrain on the battlefield and knock him down. We also see the Dwarven Ring of Power on Thrain’s hand. (flashback ends). Gandalf lifts Thrain’s hand…and his ring is missing, along with his ringfinger.
Thrain: They took it.
Gandalf: The last of the Seven. Come, let’s get you out of here.
Thrain: There is no way out! They will stop you! The serpents will stop you!
We then see some vines start to move, but Gandalf dismisses it as an illusion. Thrain then reveals that he had been tortured by the Orcs, but had told them nothing of the map and key to Erebor. Gandalf tells Thrain that he would be very proud of Thorin, and his quest, but Thrain becomes upset and tells Gandalf that no one should enter the mountain.