japan is the outstanding country, it is famous in language , Culture , Food , Animation Movie ...Etc these made me admire japan very much. I have started my japanese studying since I studied in secondary level and took japanese as my major.
I am not good at studying language when I was young because i lacked of self-confidence and was shy to communicate with japanese.
this is the reason why i didn't work in the japanese company or the job that concerns with japanese company. I would like to try and improve my language so i decided to continue my japanese language studying in japan.
I would like to improve my language skills in speaking ,reading, listening and writing for better efficiency . I hope after my graduation,I will be better in self-confidence , speaking , thinking and expressing my japanese language.
morever, I will be deeply know about japanese way of living , and japanese culture. I will meet new friends around the worid.
After my japanese Language graduation from Japanese Language institute of sapporo, I will return to thailand and work in the japanese company. when I work I will take test to the higher position and better salary.