1.Standardize milk before cheese making to optimize the protein to fat ratio to make a good quality cheese with a high yield.
2.Pasteurize or mildly heat-treat the milk to reduce the number of spoilage organisms and improve the environment for the starter cultures to grow.
3.Cool milk after pasteurization or heat treatment to 90°F (32°C) to bring it to the temperature needed for the starter bacteria to grow.
4.Add the starter cultures and any non-starter adjunct bacteria to the milk and held at 90°F (32°C) for 30 minutes to ripen.
5.Add the rennet to the milk.
6.Allow the curd to ferment until it reaches pH 6.4.
7.Cut the curd with cheese knives into small pieces.
8.Heat them to 100°F (38°C).
9.Drain the whey from the vat and the curd forms a mat.
10.Cut the curd mats into section.
11.Pile them on top of each other.
12.Flip them periodically.
13.Form the curd into loaves.
14.Place the loaves in brine (salt water solution).
15.Place the salted curd pieces in cheese hoops.
16.Press them into block to form the cheese.
17.Store the cheese in coolers until reach the desired age.
18.Cut the cheese.
19.Package the cheese into blocks or wax them.