Provisions shall be made to allow for cable-laying and machine foundations as required.
All floors exposed to weather, liquid spillage or washing-down operations shall be laid with
adequate falls, e.g. a minimum of 1 in 100 to gullies or channels placed in such a way that
quick and effective drainage is possible. The falls shall be such that, allowing for normal
tolerances, there is no possibility of ponding, or water being trapped by stanchions or
footings. Drains from upper floors shall be routed in such a way that blockages are unlikely
and shall have adequate inspection covers so that, if blockages do occur, they can be
easily cleared.
The finished floor level shall be a minimum of 150 mm above the pathway around the
building. The finished floor elevation should be above the 100 year flood plain in areas
where flooding is a possibility.
The finished floor elevation shall accommodate the floor finish materials and flooring
appurtenances. The elevated floor shall be flush with the surrounding floor finishes.
Approaches to the main personnel entrances shall be ramps meeting the applicable
accessibility standards. For USA accessibility considerations see [Appendix 13]. Typically
a slope of not more than 1 in 8 with a non-slip finish of the top surface is used. When the
building is located in an area where ice and snow can make the slopes slippery, heated
slopes and/or steps may be considered.