Suratthani school cafeteria is building 2nd floor In the food store is divided into several zones including A ,B, C. Each zone A will be selling food varies. A zone is a normal food shop. In zone b, it has noodles. The C zone to sell ice cream fruit and juice. For the table is a long table with chairs bolted to the table. Inside there is a large LCD TV cafeteria for open media to add enjoyment to eat. There is a divided into specific zones of the teachers, especially eating There are cooperative school in Surat Thani, which sells both snacks. Water and school supplies. Adjacent to the co-operative is a book for sale. School bags. The middle of the cafeteria There are selling water of the school. The school on the second floor are classrooms of occupations across the group. And is a distributor of a sport uniform of school. Suratthani school canteens as airy open-plan building.