ection 9 Where an Employer fails to pay back a security in
money under Section 10 paragraph two, or fails to pay wages, overtime pay, holiday pay
and holiday overtime pay within the period prescribed under Section 70, or severance pay
under Section 118, special severance pay in lieu of advance notice, or special severance
pay under Section 120, Section 121 and Section 122, the Employer shall pay interests to an
Employee at the rate of fifteen percent per annum during the default period.”
ection 9 Where an Employer fails to pay back a security inmoney under Section 10 paragraph two, or fails to pay wages, overtime pay, holiday payand holiday overtime pay within the period prescribed under Section 70, or severance payunder Section 118, special severance pay in lieu of advance notice, or special severancepay under Section 120, Section 121 and Section 122, the Employer shall pay interests to anEmployee at the rate of fifteen percent per annum during the default period.”
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