fter a run of the game boss Phorrid, I received the message "unable to update account" because I was apparently not connected to the serveer. I thought "hmm, must be a bug, I'll just log out and in" and thought that would fix it. However, upon my attempt to log back in I found - and still find - myself faced with a message that said:
"Account Suspended until Jan 01, 2035 due to End User License Violation"
Now, normally I would assume I was at fault on this. I did something that I missed in the agreement that led to this state. And I would be okay with that, however, the year of this ban - 2035 - seems horribly outrageous for a first-time offender (which I am) and leads me to believe that it is a bug of the new patch (a number of my friends having reported bugs of their own). Also, I have checked the email account linked to Warframe multiple times and see no sort of confirmation email of my ban, which further solidifies my conclusion about the bug (although I have to admit that, being a new player, I do not know what kind of steps are taken in a situation such as this).
On the other hand (and I right this after a last minute realization): the only thing that I could think of the might have been the cause of this was an accidental world hacking. A was faced with a door that led to nothing but black but, thinking it was merely a graphics problem (I had seen such instances of black before where my computer had yet to load the next room as I was passing forward through it) I figured I would simply walk through it and it would load. However I found myself falling through the world and, upon the realization of my mistake, attempted to abort the mission (which it wouldn't let me do, but I died so I just forfeited and lost).
This game occured right before my Phorrid run, and the more I think about it the more I see how this could be the root of the problem. Again, though, I was not aware that the door to blackness was a hole in the world (and a VERY big one at that, one anyone could have stumbled across without the intention of cheating, as was my case) and I have had another friend confirm a similar instance of an accidental stumbling upon a hole in the gameworld which rendered his game unfinishable as well.
I appologize if this comes across as whiney, it is not my intention to sound as such, I merely would like to understand what is happening and why, as well as to have any potential problems in this addressed if they have affected other players.