Do you intend to run this piece very well. Your strategies by listening repeatedly to find the answer. Is a good alternative. But I want you to try my approach. It will benefit you.
Write up other strategies you use.
1. Listen to the first round after downing The article attached audio clip Take a deep breath and relax for a corner seat, do not worry, you will not know about.
2. Listen again to collect more details.
3. Stop and listen to every five seconds while stopping the write word or phrase you hear anything out as much as possible. When listening to the entire clip Please read our notes to see if we could capture the concept of whether or not the clip are talking about. Initial training, we do not need to understand every word here. Understand the rough It's considered okay.
4. Repeat the same with Clause 3, but try adding words to give more. And fix errors The first written.
5. Write a sentence. Try using knowledge of grammar, disjointed words and phrases together.
6. notes first out. Listen to the clip again But this time, stopping every 10 seconds, and then write the clip to hear what comes out the same. Then try to compare notes with pieces that look old.
7. Listen to the audio clip again. By reading his own notes as well.ip to hear what comes out the same. Then try to compare notes with pieces that look old.
8. Compare notes with articles actually correct. If it is found that there is a mistake. To try to analyze it to see if the problem is caused by something in your hearing. Some may sound innocent. Because the vote invalid Unknown words Or problems with accents sound access the bunching sentence, you must try to solve the problem is spotty.
9. Listen to the clip again together. Read the article properly. To check whether you missed the part where I go. Then again, I do not read the note and final article yet. Which have reached this stage, I should understand that the more.