Table 4.
Showing one-way ANOVA results concerning depression of the students and its association with academic streams, performance, and family income.
Variables Mode of Response Mean SD F Level of Sig.
Across Academic Streams Science 73.43 16.37 3.670 0.026*
Management 76.69 18.45
Humanities & Social Sciences 78.13 20.37
Across Academic Performance Very good (CGPA 9–10) 69.92 18.20 12.56 0.000**
Good (CGPA 7–8) 74.93 18.01
Moderate (CGPA 5–6) 80.67 17.72
Poor (CGPA below 5) 86.6 20.69
Across family monthly income Less than Rs.25,000 77.64 18.28 2.169 0.115
Rs.25,001–50,000 74.38 17.81
Rs.50001 and above 75.39 19.89
NS: Not significant.
Significant at 0.01 level.
Significant at 0.05 level.