All proposals received after the deadline shall be declared late and rejected and promptly returned unopened. The committee shall read aloud the names of the consultants that submitted proposals, the presence or absence of duly sealed financial envelopes, and any other information deemed appropriate. The financial proposals shall remain sealed and shall be deposited with a reputable public auditor or independent authority35 until they are opened in accordance with paragraph 2.23. Borrowers may use electronic systems permitting consultants to submit proposals by electronic means, provided the Bank is satisfied with the adequacy of the system, including, inter alia, that the system is secure; maintains the integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity of proposals submitted; and uses an electronic signature system or equivalent to keep consultants bound to their proposals.
Clarification or Alteration of Proposals
2.14 Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs 2.27 to 2.29 of Section II and paragraph 1(p) of Appendix 2 of these Guidelines, consultants shall neither be requested nor permitted to alter their proposals in any way after the deadline for the submission of proposals. While evaluating proposals, the Borrower shall conduct the evaluation solely on the basis of the submitted technical and financial proposals, and shall not ask consultants for clarifications, except for perfunctory queries with the prior no objection of the Bank.