Guidance for Teaching Demonstration
As a prospective DTC Instructor, the ability to plan and deliver effective learning is paramount.
Accordingly, in order for the college’s Academic Committee to evaluate your ability in carrying this
out, you will be asked to plan and deliver a ‘micro-teach’ demonstration with the committee as your
learner group.
You will be expected to demonstrate for approximately 20 – 30 minutes and a selection of suitable
topics may or may not be provided to you as a guide.
As the session will ‘simulate’ an actual unit of learning as part of a course, the committee will be
evaluating aspects such as:
1. Introduction
- Recapitulation of previous learning
- Objectives for session
- Interest factor
2. Contents
- Academic level
- Quality of teaching materials
- Giving examples
- Overall span and depth
- Details of contents
- Time management
3. Teaching Methodology
- Teaching aids
- Questioning techniques
- Active listening
- Handling of students responses and
- Interaction with the class
- Teaching Style
- Student activities
- Assessment of learning
4. End of Session
- Homework/assignment
- Summarizing
- Linking forward to next class
5. Communication
- Speech
- Verbal Communication
- Non-Verbal Communication
6. Others
- Preparation (Course / Lesson plan)
- Personality / Grooming
- Humour and emotional control
- Intellectual stimulation
- Passion and inspiration
- Behavioural influence
- Relevance: relation with industry
Although the teaching session is relatively short compared to regular classes (90 minutes), it is
anticipated that competent instructors will be able to demonstrate (or at least have shown
consideration of) the above criteria in their lesson planning and delivery.
If you require any further guidance or clarification, please contact the college’s Human Resources
office on 02-361-7811-3.