The tourism geography community as well as its associated conferences and organizations is institutionalizing social group in which individuals are socialized and network.
Changes in The field
Changes in global mobility patterns and place competition has lead to changes in private sector demands for labour, research funding and education. The geography of tourism is embedded and relationally involved in global process. Moreover, teaching and research in tourism geography has become highly globalized such as internationalization of journals, internet communities and research project. Institutional demands strengthen English as the current language of globalization and reinforcement of cultural and structural power. Institutional dimensions of reserch quality are significantly important for the assessment of tourism geographical research because they set the rule of the game.Globalization has changed the rules of the game in higher education.
The Applied VS Theoretical Geography Binary
The applied tourism geography is part of desire to be relevant and engage with broader public,community and business issues such as planing,event management, social marketing. The applied geography is also essential for the entrepreneurial university.