Based on the findings obtained from the tests, it can be said that the FE and TS of the particleboards were significantly affected by hardener type. The lowest FE and TS values were found for the particleboards made with ammonium chloride while the highest values were found for the particleboards made with aluminium sulphate. The lowest pH value for the UF resin was found to be 4.33 as the ammonium chloride was incorporated into the resin, followed by ammonium sulphate (4.64) and aluminium sulphate (5.01). Akyuz et al. [19] reported that the optimum pH value of UF resin used in the manufacture of particleboard was between 4 and 5, which resulted in better adhesive performance among the wood particles. The lowest contact angle and surface roughness values were found for the particleboards made with ammonium chloride, followed by ammonium sulphate and aluminium sulphate, respectively. In a previous study, it was reported that adhesion bonds and wettability of rough surface were lower than that of smooth surface [20]. Specific adhesion force in rough surfaces is lower than smooth surfaces. This results in lower adhesive performance between wood particles.