We have all the information on the house except for the House size, not sure how to calculate or measure this, have you someone who could do this for us?
Only the rugs, piano and a couple of small cupboards and lamps will be removed. However we may negiotiate a price for some of the furniture we leave and would appreciate your advice on that.
The price, your gut instinct was 4.800 MB we will go with that up to 5,000 MB. We want it priced to sell quickly.
Bedrooms 3 double
Bathrooms 3 one with bath two with showers
Land size on the Chanot it is 74 5/10 Talang Wa
The land is in the name of a Thai friend who will sign all the documents needed to release it. Our names are on the Chanot as lessees of the land and owners of the house.
Could you also remind us of the agreement you think we should have for the eventual sale at the land office, what will the buyers pay and what we would pay on transfer.