Five chip detectors and one Chip Detector Power Unit constitute the chip
detector system.
The purposes of the chip detector system are the followings:
• detect ferrous particles in the lubricating oil
• burn the ferrous particles detected (when possible)
The chip detector system includes:
• a power module interfaced with the chip detectors, the two MAUs, the
burn command on the MISC control panel;
• five chip detectors: three chip detectors are located on the MGB; one
chip detector is located on the Intermediate Gear Box (IGB); and one
chip detector is located on the Tail Gear Box (TGB).
When the MGB CHIP MAST or MGB CHIP SUMP caution messages are
displayed in the CAS window of the MFD, the pilot can try to burn the ferrous
particle(s) pushing the CHIP BURNER switch located on the MISC control
If the burning is successful the particle is classified as “small” and the
relevant caution extinguishes.
In the opposite case, the particle is considered “large” and cannot be
When the particle is burned, a message is written in the Non Volatile
Memory (NVM) for maintenance purposes.