According to research by Florida, Mellander, and Stolarick (2011), India ranks 50th out of 82 selected developed and developing countries on the Global Creativity Index (Exhibit 12). India’s performance on the Global Creativity Index in 2011 places it well behind most devel- oped countries. Compared to its BRICS peers, India falls behind Russia (30), South Africa (45), and Brazil (46) but finishes ahead of China (58). On the individual 3T measures used to produce the Global Creativity Index, India demonstrates generally below average results. While India does not fall within the top twenty five countries on any one of the 3T measures, according to Florida, Mellander, and Stolarick’s (2011) results, India produces its best results on the Tolerance Index — rank- ing 30th out of 80 countries. On the Technolo- gy Index, India ranks 42nd out of 75 countries included. On the Talent Index, India performs very poorly, ranking 75th out of 82 countries and one spot ahead of China.