To compare the result from the datasheet with the loss
values computed experimentally, a linear scaling of datasheet
losses with respect to voltage (the traditional approach) is
assumed. Without loss of generality, the Si(TO-247) (1200V,
36A) is considered. The datasheet gives losses at 125°C, and
800 V over a range of 0 to 30 A. The loss values computed
experimentally at 800 V are found to match the datasheet
values, however at other voltages a large deviation in losses
is observed. TABLE VI. gives a summary of the error
between the extrapolated losses of the datasheet with the
experimental values. The large errors, reaching as high as
206.2%, clearly show that the datasheet values cannot be
linearly extrapolated to compute the losses at different
operating conditions. Further, the errors in turn-off losses are
larger than turn-on losses due to the tail current effects.
Therefore, a conventional datasheet would not be useful in
designing high efficiency direct AC/AC converters and a
more rigorous characterization of devices, involving testing
under many different operation conditions, is essential. This
justifies the research effort performed in this paper of
characterizing multiple devices under varying operating