Growth and soluble protein content of L. setiferus postlarvae were correlated with
food quality. Kuban et al. (1985) concluded that growth of penaeid larvae measured as
biomass is a better measure of the nutritional value of the diets than survival and
development. Coinciding with this criterion is that protein content of larvae is directly
influenced by diet composition and can be used as a food quality index (Le Moullac and
VanWormhoudt, 1994; Lemos and Rodriguez, 1998).We can differentiate which food or
food combination had better nutritional value for postlarvae using these two indexes.
Significantly higher growth was obtained when postlarvae were fed on a mixture of
Artemia nauplii, artificial diet, and algae, showing that this diet combination was better
for postlarval nutritional requirements than the other diets used in our experiments.
When postlarvae were fed on Artemia nauplii or artificial diet alone, the lower growth
rate found denoted that these two diets did not fulfill L. setiferus nutritional requirements.
These results are supported by significantly lower soluble-protein content in
postlarvae fed on MCD.
Growth and soluble protein content of L. setiferus postlarvae were correlated withfood quality. Kuban et al. (1985) concluded that growth of penaeid larvae measured asbiomass is a better measure of the nutritional value of the diets than survival anddevelopment. Coinciding with this criterion is that protein content of larvae is directlyinfluenced by diet composition and can be used as a food quality index (Le Moullac andVanWormhoudt, 1994; Lemos and Rodriguez, 1998).We can differentiate which food orfood combination had better nutritional value for postlarvae using these two indexes.Significantly higher growth was obtained when postlarvae were fed on a mixture ofArtemia nauplii, artificial diet, and algae, showing that this diet combination was betterfor postlarval nutritional requirements than the other diets used in our experiments.When postlarvae were fed on Artemia nauplii or artificial diet alone, the lower growthrate found denoted that these two diets did not fulfill L. setiferus nutritional requirements.These results are supported by significantly lower soluble-protein content inpostlarvae fed on MCD.
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