Around end of October we have received an email from IR magazine that we were shortlisted in 2 categories namely 1) Best in sector: Consumer and 2) Grand Prix for Best Overall Investor Relations (mid cap) for the IR Magazine Awards – South East Asia 2015. This is the-first-time-ever recognition from IR Magazine.
K. Paco joined the awards ceremony on last 4 Dec at the Singapore Exchange and has participated as one of honored speakers for the topic “Best Practice Showcase” (case studies of three IR programs, covering strategies, tools and KPIs) with other two speakers from Metro Pacific Investment and Asia Aviation.
Finally, after the awards were announced, we received the “Certificate for Excellence in Investor Relations” (combined to only one certificate). Please find enclosed for your reference.
This awards were evaluated by more than 400 analysts and portfolio managers who took part in this year's investor perception survey and identified your company as being among the leading 3 or 4 organizations in that category.