Florence returns from a dance and Bertie tells her that, although he hasn't exactly
destroyed the manuscript, he has fulfilled his obligation. At that moment, his happy
uncle appears to tell them that the manuscript has arrived at the publisher. Florence,
infuriated, breaks off their engagement. Bertie angrily confronts Jeeves. Jeeves tells
Bertie that he thinks they overestimated the effect the book would have on the people in
it. Bertie fires Jeeves, and Jeeves takes the opportunity to tell him that he believes that
Florence and Bertie are a mismatch. Bertie orders him to leave the room. After a nights
sleep, Bertie begins to think about what Jeeves has said. He attempts to read the book
Florence gave him and realizes that Jeeves was right. He rehires the butler and, in an
effort to win his approval, he tells Jeeves to get rid of his checked suit. Jeeves informs
Bertie that he has already given the suit to the under-gardener