Meat is the muscle tissue of slaughter animals composed of water,
proteins, lipids, minerals and a small proportion of carbohydrates.
Meat and meat products are susceptible to quality deterioration due
to their rich nutritional composition (Devatkal, Thorat, & Manjunatha,
2012). The quality deterioration is due to chemical andmicrobial changes.
Themost common formof chemical deterioration is the oxidation of
meat lipids. Lipid oxidation is a complex process and depends on chemical
composition ofmeat, light and oxygen access and storage temperature
(Kanner, 1994). It is also affected by some technological procedures
to which meat is subjected during processing. It leads to the formation
of several other compounds which have negative effects on the quality
of meat and meat products causing changes in sensory (color, texture
and flavor) and nutritional quality (Karakaya, Bayrak, & Ulusoy, 2011).
Lipid oxidation can be reduced or inhibited by the use of antioxidants