Melanocytes, dendritic cells of neuroectodermal origin, are
a m ajor component of the e pidermis. Although t hey a re
located i n the basilar l ayer, they extend their dendrites
to make contact w ith other epidermal cells such as ker-atinocytes and Langerhans cells [1, 2]. Melanocytes synthe-size a pigment called melanin, and their main role i s to
protect the skin against ultraviolet (UV) radiation by trans-ferring melanin (synthesized in specialist organelles c alled
melanosomes) to keratinocytes [1–3]. Melan-A (formerly
MART-1) a nd gp100 (or Pmel-17) are a ntigens i nvolved
in melanosome m aturation. Melan-A, the c oncentration
of which c orrelates w ith m elanin content, is necessary for
gp100 function. As a result, it plays an important role i n
regulating pigmentation [ 4