Accessibility to health services depend upon
200 1
the relationship between locations of services and
patients, as well as other barriers to obtaining
medical services (Carney, 198 1) .The universal
Specific level (KDSS) :
Concentration Curve 7
Pro-poor m -
m -
- a
e -
D - I I I I I
o 2 4 6 8 I
Percentiles (p)
- 4Slme - sland-h
Concentration index= -0.09
health coverage (30 baht scheme) helped to
Standard Health Services
reduce obstructions to healthcare service
utilization such as health expenses. The 30 Baht
card was also convenient to use. The elderly who
had an insurance card could use healthcare
services without worrying about the expenses.
The universal health coverage scheme has
reduced the out-of-pocket payments,
especially high health payments of lower income
households (Vasavid et al. 2005; Limwattananon