My darling, please for give me for my late reply. How are you today? I hope you are doing pretty good. My darling, irrespective that am so busy with my work, you are always in my heart and mind.. Honey, I really don't know how to put into words exactly what you mean to me, but I have many times seen the love you have for me. I don't think that any other woman could be as loving as you.
I know now that we can do anything together and I know that you will be there to save me and to help us fly. I've never experienced the kind of love that we both shared. I truly believe that God Himself brought you down from the glorious heavens above to be forever my angel. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for you. And, I will love you and only you as long as God will let me. Please accept my love and give me us in return. Take care and have a nice day