There are two types of letters - the letters in green are replies from women whom you have already written. The letters in blue are from women who are interested in you based on your profile information and have written to you first. With the assistance of our staff, women have the ability to send intro letters to men they feel would be interested in based on your on-line profile. An Intro letter may be sent to you directly by the woman or with the help of office staff based on your profile matching her parameters. Keep in mind that this is just an intro letter as a show of possible interest and may very well be sent to multiple men. Blue letter(s) are only $5.95 to open regardless of your membership status. If you wish not to receive initial/intro letters, you may opt out (see "MY INFO"), and simply initiate any correspondence yourself. We believe that you may be more successful if you choose the women you are interested in and write directly first instead of relying on intro letters as a guide.