SK telecom endeavors to actively resolve CSR issues by operating a CSR Grievance/Complaints channel for interested parties.
SK telecom strives to fulfill its duties as a corporate citizen and to lead among competitors as a “company loved by many” based on the participation of and communication with our wide-array of interested parties. With respect to the social responsibilities that SK telecom promises to its interested parties in conducting its business, if you have any suggestions or complaints which involve cases in which we contravened our social responsibility or caused you any harm or loss as a result, please submit your comments by accessing the channel link below. After confirming its validity, all suggestions and complaints received through this channel will undergo an active resolution process through the monitoring and due diligence conducted by the relevant department.
Also, we inform you that your identity and the contents of your suggestion or complaint will be subject to confidentiality.
With respect to all cases that have been handled as a material matter relating to the CSR issues received through this channel, details of the matter and its handling process will be reported to the “Corporate Citizen Commission” established under the Board of Directors, the company’s highest decision-making body, and we will strive to prevent similar incidents in the future after proactively reflecting such details into our daily business activities.
Based on your valuable suggestions and comments, SK telecom promises to do its best to achieve its sustainable growth and development by continuing to fulfill its social responsibilities. Thank you.