The statistical analyses of collected data were conducted
using R language [11]. Data analyses focus on two types
of eects: the group dierences in dynamics of
ambient/focal attention, and moderating role of personal,
momentary engagement on relation between
eye-movement characteristics and emotional state. To
test the hypotheses, mixed-design analysis of variance was
conducted and multiple regression analyses were
Emotions and visual attention mode
The rst hypothesis posited that aect in
uences visual
attention mode. We claimed that people in positive mood
exhibit more exploratory eye movements (ambient mode
of visual attention) compared to users in neutral
emotional state. To test this hypothesis a mixed-design
analysis of variance was conducted. Experimental
condition (positive vs. neutral mood group) was treated
as the between-subjects x factor and time spent with the
picture was treated as a within-subject independent
variable. The whole time of picture presentation
(t = 30s:) was collapsed into 6 groups each 5 second
length. The dependent variable in this analysis was a
focal/ambient attention coecient